Don't Ignore Your Tooth Pain

Are you experiencing a sharp, throbbing pain that won’t go away? This pain is not something to ignore. It could signal a serious dental problem in one tooth or more. If you are experiencing dental emergency symptoms, visit your Mt. Pleasant, MI, dentist, Dr. Keith Bever, to get the best dental care in Mt. Pleasant, MI.

What are the possible causes of tooth pain?

Many dental conditions might cause a painful sensation in one tooth or more. The following are some common examples of these problems:

Tooth decay

Cavities are the most common causes of tooth pain. Tooth decay is a serious condition unless it’s treated. When you ignore the tooth decay, it may spread into other teeth and the surrounding tissues, leading to dangerous problems.

Enamel erosion

Enamel is the outer layer of your teeth. It protects the teeth from the surrounding environment and infections. Persistent tooth pain that exaggerates after eating cold things or when biting can indicate enamel erosion.

Exposed tooth root

While the enamel covers the exposed part of the tooth, the tooth root is covered with connective tissue. This tissue can decay or wear down when there is a gum receding due to a problem in the gum line. Gum receding will expose the tooth roots to the surrounding environment. Once the connective tissue is worn away, the sharp sensations such as heat and cold will reach the nerve pulp inside the tooth, causing mild to extreme pain.

Gum disease

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is an infection in the soft tissues that surround your teeth. This infection will cause pain in your gum and teeth and must be treated immediately.

Keep in mind that you need to resolve any dental pain immediately. The emergency dental care offered in our Mt. Pleasant, MI, office, can terminate your pain and treat the underlying causes before they develop into more dangerous conditions.

Contact us

If you need emergency dental care in Mt. Pleasant, MI, don’t hesitate to contact your Mt. Pleasant, MI, dentist, Dr. Bever. Call (989) 773-9793 and book your appointment.

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